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How to increase the probability of arranging meetings with prospects

Planning for multitouch prospecting approaches

Hello Sales Reset Community

You probably need to speak with more new contacts to achieve your sales targets.

Even if all of your sales will come from existing customers, you should probably extend the range of stakeholders you speak with within your customers.

How will you get these people to speak with you?

In last week’s Weekly Sales Reset, we looked at the big idea that better QUALITY prospecting is more effective than simply increasing the QUANTITY of your prospecting activity.

We recommended doing enough research to develop genuine insights that are valuable to your prospects.

So, now that you’ve done all this research, how can you increase your chances of successfully arranging a time to meet with the people you want to contact?

Planning for multitouch prospecting approaches

When prospecting, how often might you need to contact an identified prospect before they engage with you in a meaningful conversation?

Will a single email or phone call lead to them scheduling a meeting with you?

With increasing AI-generated prospecting activity in every market, it’s getting tougher to break through the noise.

For many reasons, you should plan for multiple touches to achieve your goal of speaking with them and potentially discussing their needs:

  • A scheduled sequence of emails: probably starting with an intriguing topic that seeks a response, not trying to schedule a meeting on the first contact!

  • Engaging with their LinkedIn posts and comments: to establish an authentic relationship and credibility.

  • Phone calls and voice messages: perhaps only after you’ve established some name recognition?

  • Personalised video: when you’re sufficiently confident about the likely value of your chosen topic to them.

If your first or second approach is successful, that’s an unexpected bonus! 😀

Approach your prospects with the most significant insight from your research

What should you talk about in your multitouch approaches?

Almost certainly NOT what you’re hoping to sell!!

Try approaching your prospects with the most significant topic and insights from your careful research.

Your prospect is only interested in the potential for improved performance resulting from potentially investing in your products and services. This is why staying focused on the OUTCOMES they need is so important.

Please resist the temptation to talk about what you’re trying to sell!

We'll remind you about these themes in your mid-week Weekly Sales Reset newsletter.

We’ll then explore how you can start coaching your customers from your very first approach.

Invitation to Weekly Sales Reset Stories - LIVE! online

We’re hugely interested to hear how you get on with these recommendations about prospecting.

You’re welcome to join us for a 45-minute discussion to share experiences in a weekly session in our FREE Sales Reset Together community from 16:30 to 17:15, UK time every Tuesday.

The session is designed to allow participants to share their experiences and stories about each Weekly Sales Reset theme.

Click here to join the community and learn more about the Tuesday session.

Have a great week!

The Sales Reset Team

Sales Reset Founder & Leader

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