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  • Shifting the focus of your prospecting from quantity to quality: End of Week Reflection

Shifting the focus of your prospecting from quantity to quality: End of Week Reflection

What have you learned this week about shifting your focus to the QUALITY of your prospecting?

Hello Sales Reset Community

How did you get on with your focus on quality prospecting this week?

We started the week by making the case that it’s time to move away from “Spray and Pray” prospecting. Instead, what’s needed is QUALITY prospecting, not merely QUANTITY.

In your first newsletter this week, we outlined some significant assumptions about your prospecting:

  1. Time: You’ve budgeted enough time for prospecting.

  2. ICP: You’ve clarified your ideal customer profile (ICP).

  3. Organisations: You’ve identified enough organisations that fit your ICP.

  4. Contacts: You’ve found the people in these organisations you need to approach through research on their websites, LinkedIn, and elsewhere.

  5. Approach Methods: You’re skilled in the full range of ways to approach prospects:

And we suggested some topics for research about your prospects on LinkedIn, on their websites, social media accounts and in your CRM records:

  • Current Priorities: In researching this person, what have you learned about their likely top priorities and how you might help?

  • Insights: What market or sector-specific insights can you share that they might find valuable?

  • Stories: What stories and experiences can you share from your other customers that this prospect might find valuable?

  • Outcomes: What evidence can you share about the reported outcomes other customers have achieved with your products and services?

  • Access: What access can you give them to thought leaders and subject matter experts?

  • COACHING: Here’s the very best value you can bring. At Sales Reset, we believe that coaching customers is the most powerful selling skill you can develop. From what you’ve learned in your research, how can you coach this prospect to work out something valuable for themselves?

What will your prospect find most valuable as you make your approach?

In your mid-week newsletter, we recommended that you use the most significant insight from your research when approaching each prospect.

Whatever method you choose to approach each prospect, start with what they will find most valuable.

And that’s almost certainly not talking about what you‘re selling!!

Reflecting on your prospecting this week

How did you get on with this focus on quality prospecting this week?

Here are some questions to help you reflect:

  • How much effort did I put into changing my emphasis from the quantity of my prospecting to the quality of my prospecting?

  • What was my BEST prospecting approach all week, and why was it so effective?

  • How can I maintain my focus on the quality of my prospecting in the weeks ahead?

We hope you have a terrific weekend!

The Sales Reset Team

Sales Reset Founder & Leader

Sales Leadership Coach

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