Learning and Earning, Faster and Better | Part 1

How to create and achieve your Learning and Earning Plan

Hello Sales Reset Community

With your Sales Reset, are you expecting to improve your selling skills and results by a small amount?

Or do you want to take a HUGE leap forward?

Are you happy with your current sales results and earnings?

Would you like to improve by maybe 10-15%? Or are you seeking to double or triple your earnings over the next three to five years?

This is an important question. Your answer will tell you how much time and effort you should invest in your Sales Reset.

This week, we’re looking at how you can use your Learning and Earning Plan to learn faster and better.

You can choose the outcomes you want from your Sales Reset. Your choices will enable you to remain motivated and confident when facing the inevitable frustrations of selling.

In Part Two next week, we’ll review how to achieve your Learning and Earning Plan by practising your selling skills more effectively.

How you'll improve sales results this week

How much can you improve your selling skills?

How much scope for improvement do you have with your selling skills?

Based on our experience training salespeople for the last 40 years, we can confidently answer: You can probably improve your selling skills very significantly!

You can continue learning and improving how you sell throughout your career.

But only if you make the effort.

In our experience, most salespeople learn less and less each year as they rely on previous learnings.

Salespeople might say they have fifteen years of selling experience. In reality, too many have had one year of experience repeated fifteen times.

There’s a much better way. You can learn to become a better learner.

And because you’re in selling, becoming a better learner means you’ll become a better earner! 🎉

What’s a Learning and Earning Plan?

A Learning and Earning Plan is where you decide what parts of your selling you want to improve and link these improvements to the results you want to achieve.

A Learning and Earning Plan can be short, simple and just for the next 90 days.

Or you can develop a Learning and Earning Plan to map out your chosen sales career and life!

All professional jobs have a structured way to learn and get qualified. Doctors, lawyers, and accountants understand they need years of organized study, practice, and career growth.

They expect their earnings to rise as their career progresses.

It's different for people in selling roles. Most salespeople can increase their earnings based on sales results. The best salespeople with a track record of success can always move to other sales teams.

However, most salespeople do NOT have a Learning and Earning Plan.

What will a Learning and Earning Plan do for you?

Your Learning and Earning Plan will keep you motivated.

Learning new ways to do things can be challenging. It takes effort and time.

Your best intentions to keep learning and improving can be dashed when life pressures arise.

Your Learning and Earning Plan will remind you why you’re making the effort. Having a plan increases the likelihood of achieving what you choose.

How to develop and use your Learning and Earning Plan

Choose the depth of plan that’s right for you. You might choose to keep your plan short and simple. Or you might go into a lot more detail. It’s your choice.

Here are the steps to develop and use your Learning and Earning Plan:

  1. Plan Duration: Choose the length of your plan: 30 or 90 days, 12 months, 3-5 years, 10 years or your whole sales career and life!

  2. Self-Assessment: Complete your Sales Reset Mastery self-assessment and review your recent sales results.

  3. Prioritise: Using your self-assessment report, prioritise the areas of sales skills where you will get the best results from investing time and effort.

  4. Outcomes: Clarify what you want to earn during your plan duration and what sales skills you need to improve to achieve these earnings.

  5. Investment: Decide how much time and effort you will invest in learning and practising new skills.

  6. Evidence: Choose how you will review evidence of the improvements you seek. How will you know that you’re improving?

  7. Schedule: Decide when you will invest the time and effort to learn and practice. Schedule this time in your calendar to stop it from being used for something else.

  8. Learn and Practice: Find the best learning resources and commit the time and effort required for your deliberate practice.

  9. Reflection: Schedule the time you need for structured reflection. Writing down your thoughts is a great way to do this.

  10. Review: Review progress weekly. At the end of the plan, complete your final review and start again.

Here’s an optional and powerful addition to these steps. Review your plan with your sales team leader or coach. Benefit from other people’s perspectives and experiences.

Potential challenges with your learning and earning plan

Learning on your own is HARD: Maintaining your focus and motivation on your own is hard, even with your Learning and Earning Plan. You might decide to join us in our Sales Reset Together community. 😀

Changing established behaviours is tough: It can be tough to make changes if you’ve worked in a particular way for a long time. You have to unlearn things before you begin to make progress with the new ways of working.

Setbacks: One of the most challenging parts of a career in selling is the inevitability of frustrations and setbacks. Things will not work out as you hoped. You will learn and practice a new skill and not get the expected results.

Expectations: You might underestimate the time and effort required to make the desired changes, leading to frustration. When this happens, adjust your Learning and Earning Plan.

What to do this week

Do you currently have a Learning and Earning Plan?

There’s no need to wait for the time to create a perfect plan. Put some time in your calendar now to develop your first Learning and Earning Plan before the end of this week, maybe just for the next 30 days.

Take the first steps in establishing the skill of always working with your Learning and Earning Plan!

Video Podcast: Weekly Sales Reset Prep Talk

Peter and Philip discuss Learning and Earning Plans in this week's video podcast.

End of Week - Reflective Practice

At the end of this week, ask yourself these key questions:

How much more sales success could I achieve if I committed more time to learning and practicing better selling skills?

What progress have I made with my Learning and Earning Plan this week?

Based on my Learning and Earning Plan, and when I look at the evidence, what could I have done differently and better this week?

We hope you’ve found this Weekly Sales Reset valuable.

Have a great week!

The Sales Reset Team

Sales Reset Founder & Leader

Sales Leadership Coach

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Community of Practice

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Every member of B2B sales teams should expect continual coaching and support.

Sustained coaching is the key to effective practice, performance and results!


Subscribers to this week’s Sales Reset Leaders will learn how to help you develop your Learning and Earning Plan.

Make sure to get time in your calendars for coaching this week!


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