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  • Getting personal with your prospect's unique priorities so they open your email

Getting personal with your prospect's unique priorities so they open your email

How will your prospect react to your subject line?

Hello Sales Reset Community

Imagine your prospect receiving your first email. How will they react? Will they open your email, ignore it, or bin it immediately?

So, you just sent your first email to a prospect, using all of the ideas from the last couple of weeks' Weekly Sales Reset.

Hopefully, this first email will be the first part of a multitouch approach plan, as we described in Monday’s newsletter.

They’re a busy business leader checking their emails. Chances are they’re using their phone. It’s a quick scan of their inbox to see if there’s anything important.

How long does it take for your prospect to decide? Will they open your email, leave it unopened, or move your email to the bin?

Let me tell you my experience. I receive many selling emails. It typically takes me one to three seconds to decide when it’s another cheesy AI prospecting email.

And another second or two to bin it! 🗑️

How can you get your emails opened?

Your email subject line is CRUCIAL!

This is why your email subject line is so crucial.

Your challenge is to take the very bits of your careful research and create a unique, short, compelling email subject line.

Here are some key questions:

  • Priorities: What has been the most significant thing you’ve learned from your research about this person’s top priorities?

  • Enthusiasms: What have you learned about them, their personalities, and their unique lives and enthusiasms?

  • Outcomes: What might be their most significant outcomes if they buy your products and services?

Now, combine these unique priorities, enthusiasms, and outcomes into a terrific subject line!

Your email subject should be 30-50 characters at most, so it can be read easily on their phone.

Nobody said this would be easy!!

But here’s the prize.

Imagine how much better your selling life will be when you engage reliably with a MUCH higher proportion of the prospects you want to buy from you.

It’s worth your effort to improve prospecting QUALITY, instead of relying on QUANTITY.

Have a great week!

The Sales Reset Team

Sales Reset Founder & Leader

Sales Leadership Coach

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